Friday, 12 October 2012

Day [9]: Audience Research; Mission Statement

The genre of the product I will be creating will be Crime/Comedy, I will be using this genre as this is the genre of what I have completed my research on, this will allow me to easily compare my work between the research I have conducted and to allow me to make sure that I am staying within the genre of Crime/Comedy. I have also conducted my questionnaire based upon creating a Crime film with an unknown sub-genre, from the response of the Questionnaire Comedy and Action was tied at top, this is another reason why I have chosen to do Crime/Comedy as it will appeal to a larger audience than other genre's.
      The target audience of my film trailer will be 15-20 Year olds I have chosen this as my target audience as based upon the results of my questionnaire this was the largest section of people that I had questioned, this will allow me to use the results from the questionnaire to maximum effect as the audience I had interviewed mainly will be my target audience. Another reason I have chosen this as my target audience age range is because I fall within this age range, this will allow me to relate to the topics within the film and view them how my target audience would also, allowing me to create a more appropriate trailer for this age range. My secondary audience for the film trailer will be 21-30 year olds, I have chosen this age as my chosen secondary audience because, parents who are accompanying their child to see the movie will fall within this bracket. If I can make the film trailer appeal to this audience it will increase the range of viewers of the trailer drastically and will appeal to a larger audience.
     To appeal to my target audience I will use the results of my questionnaire within my film trailer. This will appeal to my target audience as my target audience was the main age that I had questioned. From this I will be using essences of romance, this will allow for the trailer to appeal to more of an audience and allow for it to be more diverse. I will also be using formal and casual costumes in the trailer, this will allow me to easily distinguish the heros and the villains within the trailer without having to include a back-story.
    I will also be setting the movie within the city, this is mainly because of ease of access when filming and also because it is the most appealing based upon questionnaire results. Unusually from the results of the questionnaire the audience want the trailer to be set in the Ghetto and the Country-Side, this goes against conventions so I may try and implement it into the trailer.

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