Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Day 10.5: Planning - Filming Times

The filming times that I choose for my project will have to be a suitable time for all of the actors within my trailer. For ease of use and organisation I have chosen to schedule most of my filming times over the half term holiday in October/November, this will allow me to easily have access to who is needed and not have to worry about time schedules due to work or college.
      I will start filming on Monday of the holidays, 29th of October, On this day I will be filming at the behind section of Phoenix Park, I have chosen to film at this location first as it is where the majority of the trailer will be filmed at, this is because it has access to a tunnelled area, open field and a social area/shopping area. To film within the shopping area of Phoenix Park I will need to seek permission from the shop keepers and owners of Phoenix Park. The filming on Monday will consist of filming the kidnapping scene within the trailer, this will involve filming within the tunnelled section of Phoenix Park and the appropriate forms will need to be completed to ensure the safety of the actors within the trailer.
    On Tuesday of the holidays, 30th October, I will continue filming within Phoenix Park, I will not be filming within the tunnelled section of the park as I hope to have completely finished the appropriate filming within this time, if I have not due to weather issues or unforeseen events then I will continue/start filming within the tunnelled section on this day. If plans continue as hoped then I will be filming within the Fielded section on this day of filming, I have chosen to do this section next as the actors should be familiar with the area by this time and easily be able to understand where I request them to preform, I have also chosen this area next as it is easy to access and the appropriate forms will already be largely filled out as to completing them within the previous day.
    On Thursday of the holidays, 1st November, I will be filming within, my own Home or the Police Station, this will entirely depend upon whether I am given the permission to record within the police station, if not I will have to use props and equipment around the home to give the illusion that it is a Police Station, to aid with this I will film the outside of the police station as a Master Shot to help set the scene of the movie. No actors will be required in this shot so it can easily be recorded without the reliance on other actors within the film. I will need to fill out the appropriate form depending upon location that is needed, after completing these forms I will be able to safely and easily record in these settings.
   On Friday of the holidays, 2nd November, I will be filming within Longton Park, I have chosen this location as it is a more forested and secluded area and can be used for a lot of the scenes within the trailer. There are also sections within longton park that can be used for moments previously recorded before this date, I will re-record these moments as it will give me a wide variety and choice as to which setting I prefer for the movie trailer to help set the scene. Longton Park will also give me access  to darker areas than any of the previously mentioned area, this is also ideal for filming in the trailer as it can be used for the mysterious villain sections and adds to the element of mystery within the trailer. I will need to complete appropriate forms and risk assessments before filming within this area as it is open to the public and is dark and secluded at times.
    From these times that I have listed I have also allowed myself time over the holidays to review the recorded sections of the film, this will also allow me to devote any of the extra days to more time filming if it is required. I have done this as it is still the holidays and getting all of the actors in the same place outside of the holidays may be difficult, so it is easier to film within the holidays. 31st October, 3rd November & 4th November.

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