The distinctive Masthead of "FILM" is situated in the primary optical area (POA), the POA also contains the start of the Optical Focus of Angelina Jolie, this allows for the viewer to instantly recognise the magazine and who is staring in this edition of the magazine.
The diagonal line of the Gutenburg Diagram guides the audience through the optical focus of the actresses face to an overlaid coverline in the terminal area (TA). This allows for the viewer of the magazine cover to instantly recognise the magazine title, what its main focus is and what else is included making it a conventional magazine cover.
This conventional front cover also conforms to the principal of thirds. For example horizontally, firstly the magazine title and actresses face are the centre-piece allowing for the viewer to easily recognise them. In the second area horizontally the movie title in a headline and sub-headlines can be seen showing what is within the magazine. In the third area there is more sub-headlines and the bar-code can be seen in the terminal area.
Vertically the first area contains the start of the magazines Mast Head and a headline with the main movies title in. The second area contains the actress in the Optical Focus area of the magazine so that the viewer can instantly recognise her and also contains the end part of the headline of the movie. The third area of the magazine vertically contains subheadings listing what is in the magazine and in the TA it contains a barcode and another major caption of the magazine.
The use of framing in this magazine cover is a major part, this framing is used through the subheadings on the magazine, this allows for the Optical Focus of the magazine to be the main focus showing the main actress of the movie. The framing also allows for the use of deadcorners to store more subheadings for the magazine.
Going against conventions the magazine contains information in the lower dead corner, this is due to the framing used by the other subheadings, it allows for the viewer to still notice the deadcorner.
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