1. Do you Subvert Conventions within the Film Trailer?
In the recording of the Movie Trailer, I do subvert conventions, an example of when this happens is with the main role, usually during a crime film the main role of the film is a duo act allowing for conversations to take place and to expand the story more easily, but in the trailer I have created there is only one Main Role within the film, this is due to the other Main Role that I had planned was unable to be readily available for recordings as necessary duo to other deadlines on their behalf. For this reason I used one actor as the main role and based the films story around that, which is accurately portrayed during the trailer. The story is that the main actors compadre was captured by the villain in the film and is being held onto a bomb, this basis of the film is that the hero must save him.
Another example of how I subvert Conventions is, that the Damsel in distress within the trailer is male rather than female, this is because males are usually represented as a strong main role and do not need saving, but the basis of the story within my trailer is that the main roles companion has been captured, allowing for a role-reversal and the damsel in distress to be male rather than female.
Another example of how I have subverted Conventions within the trailer is that I have used a voiceover within the trailer, this is a subversion of the conventions because usually within a crime film the dialogue comes from the two main actors conversation, though that is not applicable in this film trailer due to there only being one main actor.
2. Do you Conform to Conventions within the Film Trailer?
In the recording of the Movie Trailer, I do conform to conventions, an example of when this is apparent is, the use of colour-scheme throughout the trailer, the colours are highly based around the usage of blue, which is used to represent justice and law enforcement, this is conforming to the conventions because the film is based around crime and the law.
Another example of how I have conformed to the conventions is, the usage of master-shots of guns, this is a convention within crime films as they are based around crime and crime is easily associated with guns and breaking the law, for this reason I have included master-shots of the guns within the trailer allowing the viewer to easily identify that the gun is significant and important within the trailer.
Another example of how I have conformed to the conventions of a crime film is, through the usage of Powerplay with Camera Angles, this allows the viewer to easily recognise who is in a state of power within each section of the film and if the main lead of the film is in danger, increasing the suspense and emotions within the film.
Another example of how I have conformed to the conventions of a crime trailer is that, I have used establishing shots within my trailer, this allows the trailer to easily set a scene and location for the film and also easily allows the viewer of the trailer to recognise where the film is based.
Another example of how I have conformed to conventions within my trailer is, the usage of captions, the captions within my trailer are used to progress the story and describe specific emotions within the trailer, these allow the viewer to easily see how the movie will develop and what the film is based around. This also applies to the use of a voice-over although that it subverting conventions, which is explained previously.
Another example of how I have conformed to conventions is, the usage of fast cuts within the trailer, fast cuts allow for the action to flow seamlessly and for the user to recognise the basis of the film as romantic films or comedies will use slow long cuts for emotions, whereas crime and action films will use fast cuts to dispense action and suspense.
Another example of when conventions are used within my trailer is, through the use of numbers, the use of numbers is a convention within the trailer because, the numbers signify the time running out, which is apparent easily because the numbers are represented on a ticking bomb, this allows the viewer to easily recognise the danger within the scene.
Another use of conventions within my trailer are, the use of backing music within the trailer, this is a convention because when the music picks up and is more intense it is also apparent within the trailer itself allowing for the viewer to recognise this and make the connection.
The final use of conventions within my trailer are the usage of SFX, I have used sound effects on the guns within the film, this allows me to over exemplify the sound of the guns firing and create more suspense and emotions within the trailer.
3. Do you Develop Conventions within the Film Trailer?
In the recording of the Movie Trailer, I have developed conventions within, this is easily apparent because the main role of the film is a single male lead role, I have developed this around the usual convention of having 2 male lead roles, I have done this through the usage of story and communication with the viewer, it is easily apparent why the main role is a single character and not a duo.

Another example of how and when I have developed the conventions within the Film Trailer is that, the usage of a male damsel in distress, this is the same reason and usage of the single male lead role and is also easily explained through the usage of the story within the film.